Matjaž Lenič Apps

Price per Unit 1.0.1
Matjaž Lenič
Price per Unit is a simple applicationthathelps you compare prices per unit of products. What is cheaper?A12 pack of beer for 8.76$ or a 4 pack for 3.08? Price perUnithelps you with such life-defining questions.
Car Finder 1.0.2
Matjaž Lenič
Car finder is a simple application that helpsyou find your car. When leaving your car, save your location.Afterwards, select the "Guide me back" option and Car finder willshow a compass with the general direction and distance to yourvehicle.Car finder is in a very early version.
Paveio 1.0.4
Matjaž Lenič
Paveio allows you to map the quality of the roads you drive on.Theapplication automatically detects when you are driving,startsmeasuring the quality of road you are driving on andtransmits thedata to our servers who then further analyse the data.After wegather enough data to give a confident grade, we publishthe dataon our website, Main features: -Automaticdriving detection - Quality mapping - Analyses yourdriving -Compare your driving with other users - Statistics
Simple HUD 1.30
Matjaž Lenič
Simple HUD changes your phone into a car Heads-Up Displayspeed-o-meter.
Think Quick Math 1.0.4
Matjaž Lenič
Think Quick Math is a fun mathematical game that will sharpenyourbrain! Simple mathematical puzzles become harder and harder,butyou only have limited time to solve each! With 5 difficultlymodesand endless levels you wont be able to correctly answer themall!In each level you get an equation to solve, 3 possible answersandonly limited time to figure out which one is correct! Theeasierdifficulty settings are a great way for children to practicemath.Leaderboards are available for every difficulty setting, soyou cancompete at your own level.